20 Aug Boswell Family Finds Comfort During Cancer Journey

Michael Boswell was able to spend time with his grandmother during his cancer treatment thanks to the Atlanta Ronald McDonald House.
After countless hours on the baseball diamond, Michael Boswell, 12, was known as “Mr. Speedy.” His dad, one of his coaches, noticed Michael slowed down during a weekend tournament and complained that his right leg hurt. His dad benched him for the remainder of the game.
Despite the rest, Michael continued to have pain. After a closer look, his parents found a bump above his knee leading them to the doctor. After X-rays, an MRI, and a bone biopsy, Michael was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer in his right femur. The doctors recommended Michael go to Atlanta for treatment. The Boswells’ world changed in seconds.
“Living three hours away from Atlanta, we knew that we couldn’t make day trips back and forth. It would have been financially and emotionally overwhelming without the help of the Atlanta Ronald McDonald House,” says Luke, Michael’s dad.
The House provided comfort for this family of five. Michael, his parents, and his siblings all stayed at the House, when their schedules allowed. His grandmother was also a part of Michael’s road to recovery. “We needed that support. We needed help. We couldn’t do it just the two of us,” says Beth, Michael’s mom.
Michael loved the game room at the House, especially before heading to chemotherapy. It provided an escape from the anxiety of treatment, whether he was playing Xbox, pinball, or Wii. It also served as a space for Michael to spend time with his siblings, Caroline and John. It was hard for him to be separated from them during treatment.
Atlanta RMHC provided “not only physical comfort, but a mental, emotional comfort,” Beth says. “You walk into a place where every other parent is battling something that they never expected to or dreamed would happen in their life.”