14 Nov Staying at Ronald McDonald House Makes Difference for Ellen and Aaron
“I enjoy staying at the House because it gives my child a chance to a be a kid, allows him to meet other children with similar medical complications and lets him know he is not alone in the world,” says mom Ellen Tyson.
When Ellen’s son, Aaron, was 3 years old, he was diagnosed with a rare form of Dilated Cardiomyopathy. Instead of the typical fluid around the heart, his heart had scarred tissue. He received a heart transplant in June 2015, at age 4.
From Savannah, Ellen stayed with us at our Ronald McDonald House near Egelston while Aaron was on the heart transplant list for eight months.
“My child’s treatment wouldn’t have been possible without help from the Atlanta Ronald McDonald House because it gave me a place to rest while my child was being treated,” Ellen says. “I very much loved their help and all the comfort they give to the families in need.”
Aaron is now 10 and comes to Atlanta every few months for check-ups and an occasional biopsy. His favorite part of the House is the playroom. He likes to meet new families and play with other children.
“He loves to make friends and to give them hope,” Ellen says. “My favorite thing about the House is the accommodations it provides for families. It gives parents good food, a chance to rest without worry, and is generous to outpatients.”
Ellen wants everyone to know “Atlanta Ronald McDonald House Charities really cares about children and their parents’ well-being.”