Saturday, January 13, changed the Parsley family forever. Ten-year-old Coleton Parsley was enjoying the snow, sledding on a family farm, when he tumbled from his sled and struck a utility...

Six months ago our 11-year- old son Andrew had surgery to remove a brain tumor. After spending weeks in the intensive care unit at Egleston, Andrew was transferred to Scottish...

As Hurricane Irma was quickly approaching, the Costa Family was hit with more problems than one. Mom, Sara, was 36 weeks pregnant when the storm hit the Florida Keys....

Around this time in 2017, my son Brandon went to bed a healthy, adventurous, 6-year-old. The next morning, he woke up completely paralyzed on the right side of his body....

On September 26, 2016 a 30,000 pound bucket truck hit 16-year-old Tori Blocker’s car, completely destroying it. When EMS arrived, they pronounced Tori dead, but as they rolled her over,...