In December 2014, six-year-old Jace Cumbie was diagnosed with stage four Neroblastoma, an aggressive nervous system cancer. With a younger brother and living two hours south of Atlanta, commuting to...

Several years ago, the Carnegie Family found themselves in need of a place to stay while their infant son fought for his life. The Ronald McDonald House was there for...

Ten-year-old Mekala knows what it means to be a Hero. On Aug. 22, MeKkla and her little brother, Russell, were in a horrible school bus accident on the way to...

Just because you have to be away from home during your birthday doesn’t mean you can’t have fun! Recently our Board of Directors and Advisory Council members served dinner to...

Get ready for a handbag-lover’s dream at Handbag HULLABALOO™ Atlanta—a Galentine’s celebration with designer bags, raffles, cocktails, and fun, all for a great cause!