31 Jan Donor Spotlight: Meet the Sparkmons
Beverly and Richard Sparkmon – Donors since the early 1980’s
“Get Involved. You receive much more than you give.” – Beverly Sparkmon
What interests you most about donating to the Atlanta Ronald McDonald House?
Beverly: Helping the kids. We have friends who ask “Isn’t it sad going there?” It’s the absolute opposite. You walk away realizing how blessed you are. You see a sick child battling who’s still laughing and it warms your heart.
What do you tell others about the House?
Beverly: Get involved. There are so many ways to help. From Pop Tabs to serving meals to donating change at the McDonald’s drive thru. It may seem small but it all adds up to a huge contribution. You receive much more than you give.
What’s your favorite part of the new House?
Richard: It’s just cool! The treehouse is great. The kids can’t wait to play in it. But more than that, it’s warm, inviting and comfortable. It’s a place of healing.
What’s the important thing the House does?
Richard: Helping families and children. It’s a simple mission but it’s complex to execute. Helping these kids and their families go through an incredibly stressful time in their lives is a big deal. The divorce rate of marriages with sick children is off the charts. To be able to hopefully keep a family together through what they’re dealing with is a miracle… And- fundraising isn’t the easy part. It took a lot of people giving 125%. They’re busy and they go above and beyond to get out and tell the story of the Houses.