Vanessa Robinson

Jupiter Robinson: The Story of a Fighter

On March 5, 2020, Jupiter Robinson entered into this world fighting for his life. His mom, Vanessa Robinson was told he suffered from hypoplastic left heart syndrome, ventricular septal defect, atrial septal defect, aortic stenosis, and bilateral superior vena cava.

Vanessa Robinson

Mom, Vanessa Robinson, cradles her son, Jupiter.

At 4 days old, Jupiter underwent his first operation, the Norwood procedure, which is a 10-hour, three-stage heart surgery.

During Jupiter’s procedure, there were complications which caused his right lung to collapse. When he went into respiratory distress, Jupiter was intubated for 12 days in an attempt to clear his lungs.

While in intubation, Jupiter was diagnosed with necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), a disease that affects infant intestines. After several attempts to clear his lungs of blood, Jupiter went into cardiac arrest twice. Doctors were able to revive him and placed him on life support for a week.

While Jupiter remains in the hospital the Atlanta Ronald McDonald House serves as a home for Vanessa. “This House has given us stability,” she says. “I can come to the hospital and be a good mommy. I can make sure he is taken care of because of the great people who support Atlanta Ronald McDonald House Charities.”

Jupiter is battling to get back on track to his road to recovery. In the coming weeks, Jupiter will transition to staying with his mother at the House. “The Ronald McDonald House is extraordinary,” Vanessa says. “The staff is extremely kind, and it truly is a home away from home.”

In three months, he will undergo another heart surgery, the Glenn procedure, where surgeons will finish rerouting his blood flow from the upper body to his lungs.

“At the Atlanta Ronald McDonald House, it’s the most comfortable I’ve felt,” Vanessa says.

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