Ronald McDonald Care Mobile Care team

Ronald McDonald Care Mobile Team Receives Daisy Foundation’s Daisy Team Award

Congratulations to the Ronald McDonald Care Mobile team, for receiving the “DAISY Team Award” in October!

“The DAISY Team Award is designed to honor collaboration by two or more people, led by a nurse, who identify and meet patient and patient family needs by going above and beyond the traditional role of nursing,” according to the DAISY Foundation.

The foundation recognizes individual nurses and nursing teams not only within all 50 states, but also internationally.

“As a result of the care provided on the Ronald McDonald Care Mobile, children get their asthma under control so they breathe easier, stay in school and participate in activities they love,” said Beth Howell, President and CEO of Atlanta Ronald McDonald House Charities. “The impact has been tremendous, in the last two years, the Care Mobile has served 2,231 patients.”

The Ronald McDonald Care Mobile is a partnership between Atlanta Ronald McDonald House Charities and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta at Hughes Spalding. Children’s had 12 nominees across the system and the Care Mobile team was selected as the recipient of this prestigious award. The team was recognized for its outstanding work in the community that not only includes medical care, but also personal efforts that go above and beyond.

“The Care Mobile team is caring and compassionate. Members sacrifice the luxuries offered by a ‘brick and mortar’ clinic, and they do anything it takes to make sure patients and families have access to the care they need where they live, learn, and play,” said , Katie Raborn, program coordinator with Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.

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