The Baileys

Meet the Baileys, Eagerly Waiting to Bring Their Baby Home

Kimberlynn Irene Bailey entered this world with what doctors call half a heart on April 2, weighing 5 pounds, 11 ounces. At 1 day old, she was diagnosed with situs inversus, a condition in which her organs were flipped.

“I was devastated and confused. I didn’t know what was happening,” said Kimberlynn’s mother, Christina Bailey, from Macon, Georgia. “I was worried I might lose her.”

Upon her diagnosis, Kimberlynn was immediately transferred to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. For the past seven months, the Baileys have called our Ronald McDonald House near Egleston their “home.”

“The Ronald McDonald House is exactly like its name says. It’s a place where families can stay so they can be near their children while they’re in the hospital,” Christina says. “Here, you don’t have to worry about having to travel between home and the hospital. The House is also comfortable and spacious and has everything a family could need.”

Christina says the first time she and Kimberlynn’s father, Robert, were able to bring her home to the Ronald McDonald House, “It was the first time my husband and I felt complete.”

Staying at the House allows the Baileys to focus more on Kimberlynn and not worry about paying for a hotel, food, or other necessities. “We can spend time with Kimberlynn every day, watch her grow, and be there for her through the most challenging times.”

If it weren’t for the House, “We wouldn’t have been able to afford the travel and probably would have only been able to visit once a week or possibly once a month.” Christina says. “They genuinely care about the families staying there, and they go above and beyond to make things as easy as possible for us.”