Ronald McDonald House an ‘Unexpected Blessing’ during Holidays

Andrews Family

“… The House helped make his treatment possible,” says mom Jessica Andrews.

“The Atlanta Ronald McDonald House was such an unexpected blessing. The care my son needed was 5 hours away from our home in Brunswick, Georgia, and the House helped make his treatment possible,” says mom Jessica Andrews.

When Slate was born, his breathing was labored, and his color was atypical. Doctors immediately put him on respiratory support. After a few days with no signs of improvement, the family was sent to Atlanta for the specialized care Slate needed.

Slate was treated for irregular heartbeat and underwent several rounds of testing. Doctors discovered he had a genetic mutation that causes heart disease called polyvalvular dysplasia, connective tissue disorder and cleft palate.

Jessica and her husband, Trey, stayed at the Atlanta House near Egleston for a total of 61 nights throughout the holiday season.

“The House eliminated our financial burden and provided us with more than we could ever ask for — a comfortable place to rest, bathe, eat and do laundry,” Jessica says.

“We did not know when we were going home, or if we would be going home with a baby. But one thing we did know was we had a place to sleep thanks to Atlanta RMHC,” says Jessica. “What the House provides for families is something we cannot get anywhere else. Having a home at the Atlanta Ronald McDonald House was a gift that allowed us to focus solely on Slate and prioritize his medical care.”

Slate’s condition continues to improve, but the future of his heart is unclear. Slate recently had surgery to repair his cleft palate and is recovering at home. The hope is to be able to remove his feeding tube soon. Slate has a long road of treatments and therapies ahead, but he is a happy baby, and his family is grateful for how far he has come.

“Donating to Atlanta RMHC means you are playing a part in loving families that need it the most. You’re providing certainty at a time where there is so much uncertainty,” Jessica says.

Families like Slate’s need your help to ensure they can access life-saving medical care. Please join the Hearts & Hands Society today! Your donation gives families with sick or injured children the greatest gift of all — togetherness.