01 Jul Meet the Collins Family
As we celebrate our independence this July 4 holiday, we are thankful for those who serve or have served our country to ensure freedom. Our “home-away-from-home” has been a safe haven for soldiers and veterans seeking the best medical care for their ill or injured child. Veteran Charlie Collins’ understands the peace of mind that comes with staying at a Ronald McDonald House.
Charlie’s daughter Alivia was diagnosed with Post Infectious Cerebellitis, a disorder of the nervous system resulting in a sudden disturbance of coordination. After a four week hospitalization due to nausea, disorientation and dizziness, Alivia was referred to specialists at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta at Scottish Rite. Doctors determined Alivia would need rehabilitation to help regain her balance and coordination.
Far from their home in South Georgia, the Collins’ have found refuge at the Ronald McDonald House. “This House is a blessing,” Charlie describes. “It’s so accommodating for what my family needs daily – a safe place to sleep, a meal every night, great facilities, convenient parking and shuttle services for Alivia to travel to her treatment… It’s definitely like home.”
The House has provided the Collin’s family with more than a place to stay. They have found strength in each other and in being surrounded by other families like theirs. “The Ronald McDonald House has allowed us to stay together and remain strong as a family,” Alivia’s mom Alicia explains. “It’s so nice to meet the other families that stay here and are going through similar situations. The support network we’ve found here is wonderful.”