03 May Meet the Walker Family
At only 10 days old, Angelique Walker was diagnosed with Sickle Cell disease, a rare genetic blood disorder. “My initial reaction was shock and anger,” explains Angelique’s mother Alisha. “What did that mean for her?” <>The only cure for Sickle Cell disease is a bone marrow transplant. Desperate to save her daughter’s life, Alisha and her family were tested to see if their bone marrow was a match. Knowing how rare it is to find a perfect match, Alisha was in disbelief to discover two of Angelique’s three sisters were perfect matches.
With her oldest sister as her donor, Angelique received a life-saving bone marrow transplant on December 17, 2014 at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta at Egleston. Following her transplant, Angelique was able to recover with her mom by her side in the Carlos and Mason Transplant Wing at the Atlanta Ronald McDonald House. They called the House home for 5 weeks while Angelique grew stronger. During this time, Alisha and Angelique’s bond also grew. “We were already close, but this brought us even closer,” describes Alisha.
Every day at our Atlanta Ronald McDonald House, we witness the incredible bond between mother and child, and for Alisha and Angelique this bond was only strengthened during their stay. In honor of Mother’s Day, please open your hearts so we may keep our doors open to all the moms who depend on our “home-away-from-home” during their time of need.
Read about the Walker family’s partnership with Children’s Organ Transplant Association: cotaforangeliquew.com
Follow Angelique’s journey on Facebook: facebook.com/angelsforangelique