An Intern’s Perspective: The Definition of Love and Teamwork

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When you think of Atlanta Ronald McDonald House Charities, you might think about the Houses and the families they serve. You don’t think about the Family Room on the fifth floor of Scottish Rite Hospital. You don’t think about the Care Mobile that helps children with asthma breathe easier. And, you don’t think about the staff behind the scenes who work day and night to keep the Houses running beautifully. There are so many people who help run the volunteer programs, special events, house operations, and all parts in between. They are the definition of teamwork.

Service above self, something I was taught at a young age. You’ll never meet a person at the Charity who doesn’t live by that. There are many examples: a House Manager sits in her office for more than an hour after a shift ends to make sure the families have everything they need. A volunteer writes thank-you notes to everyone who has donated. A gala is planned months ahead of time to make sure it runs smoothly. Another employee proudly makes sure all know the history of Atlanta RMHC when they join.

There is a common theme among staff — Love.
Love for what they do and for whom they do it.


This love translates into the experience of each family. Every time I saw children run through the halls, they smiled. I never saw a child without a smile, no matter the circumstances. That is one thing I will never forget: the children smile through the good times and bad.

The Charity is such a blessing to every life it touches whether it’s a family, an employee, a volunteer or an intern. I learned this from a mother who I called to say we had a room for her. I’ll never forget the overwhelming joy in her voice when she heard she would have a place to stay while her child was in the hospital. She told me, “it’s such a blessing, you have no idea.” I had no idea how much it meant to her until I met her and she thanked me personally.

I am so thankful for this opportunity. I’ve learned
so many things that I will never forget. Thank you
for allowing me to grow and learn.


Lizzy Stainback, ARMHC Intern Summer 2018

To learn more about our internships and how to apply, visit our Careers page.

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