Caroline Muller

Welcome to the Ronald McDonald Care Mobile team, Caroline!

Caroline Muller, a nurse practitioner from Reynoldstown, joined the Ronald McDonald Care Mobile team in December.

During the pandemic, Caroline worked as a school nurse and developed a passion for keeping kids healthy and watching them succeed.

Caroline believes that there are factors like socioeconomic status and educational achievement that can influence how healthy an individual will be.

“I can’t fix poverty, but I can encourage kids to stay in school, make sure they have the needed forms and vaccinations, and keep them healthy enough to do well in school,” she says.

Caroline enjoys working on the Care Mobile team and appreciates the commitment and dedication that her team members have. “It is so wonderful to join a well-established team that has such a passion for these kids and that knows how to best serve the Atlanta community,” she says.

Caroline likes that her day-to-day varies. Every school she visits, event she attends, and child she cares for is a little bit different.

“I could be sitting in an office doing the same thing everyday but instead I am out here drinking McDonald’s coffee and helping take care of sweet kids,” Caroline says.

Her favorite part about working on the Care Mobile team is making medical care easily accessible for children and being a resource for their parents.

Learn more about the Ronald McDonald Care Mobile.

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