22 Mar 2018 Annual Report: Kimberly Hauser Nuckols
Together with Atlanta Ronald McDonald House Charities since 1995
Beginning as a volunteer right out of college, Kimberly Nuckols has championed the Atlanta RHMC mission in every way ever since. Today, she serves as Vice President of Administration, where she continues to engage families just like she did during her first weeks.
“What I loved most about my job was to leave my office for a bit, play a game of Candyland with a child, and pop back into my office with a renewed energy for the work I was doing!”
Reaching out to connect …
“The Atlanta RMHC staff deeply cares about people. Despite what needs to be accomplished on a desk in an office, there is always time for the people around us.”
“There is always time for a conversation. Imagine what a few minutes of bright and happy chatter can do to lift spirits after a day of hospitals, medical treatments and waiting rooms.”
Join us and continue the mission …
“Meet me at the Ronald McDonald House! Let me show you the special place it is for families while they are enduring the hardest point in their lives with a sick or injured child.”