01 Feb Appalachian Trail Hiker, Chris Turk, Raises More Than $10,000 For ARMHC
Chris Turk, an avid adventurer, planned to hike the entire Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Maine. With his heart for thrill and exploration, Chris wanted to raise support for Atlanta Ronald McDonald House Charities.
“I wanted to dedicate my hike and raise awareness and funds for children who need special medical treatment or are hospitalized with injury, disability, or sickness,” Chris says.
Chris started hiking in March. His hike ended after 57 days and 824 miles when he developed tendinitis and shin splints. “I know that I can finish the remaining miles in sections at a later time, which I fully intend to do,” he says.

Through Ronald McDonald House Charities’ Raise Love online platform, Chris raised $10,607 for the Atlanta Houses.
During his hike, Chris kept an online journal. There were moments when Chris was hiking in the snow with wet clothes for countless of miles on end. He slept in freezing cold weather, but recalls countless moments of “Trail Magic” and “Trail Angels” that kept him going.
“Trail Angels” are people who give small acts of kindness to the Appalachian Trail hikers, such as breakfast, a free place to sleep out of the elements or a ride into town. “Trail Magic” is the non-essential food “Trail Angels” give hikers that they may not bring on the trail. Chris enjoyed Gatorade, chocolate, scrambled eggs, bacon and other types of “Trail Magic” during his hike.
“Clearly, I owe the finish line to all of the donors who believe in the mission of Atlanta RMHC and believed in me. Your support throughout my hike was inspiring and provided me motivation each day,” Chris says.
“I’ve received personal accounts and testimonials from a few donors,” Chris says about his experience with Atlanta RMHC, “and it credits the remarkable work, consistency of care, and compassion shown by the staff.”
To read more about Chris’ story, you can access his journals at hikewithchris.com.
Join Chris and support our mission by starting your own Raise Love campaign to help our families>>