A heartbreaking series of events lead LaDerrica Knight, age 16, and her mother, Eula, to stay at our House near Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta at Scottish Rite. On May 15...

The National Association of Ticket Brokers or NATB started its partnership with Ronald McDonald House Charities in July of 2009. Since its commencement, the NATB donates tickets and invites volunteers...

This June, Jack Smith was looking forward to a summer of fun. He had spent six weeks of his 2015 summer at our House near Egleston after having a selective...

Not only is our House near Scottish Rite a "home-away-from-home" for Ashley Grace and her family, but it’s a place where she can make friends and met other children who are...

The Liles family called our House their "home-away-from-home" while one of their twin daughters was receiving treatment for a heart condition at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Egleston....

Get ready for a handbag-lover’s dream at Handbag HULLABALOO™ Atlanta—a Galentine’s celebration with designer bags, raffles, cocktails, and fun, all for a great cause!