27 Oct Shiroleen and John Hurt Take Giving Back to Heart
Giving back and helping their community in a big way matters to John and Shiroleen Hurt.
“We believe the best way to support children and families when they need it most is through Atlanta Ronald McDonald House Charities,” says John, a McDonald’s Owner/Operator.
John and Shiroleen have supported our Ronald McDonald Houses for more than two decades. Their support goes well beyond their 17 McDonald’s locations in metro Atlanta. Both John and Shiroleen have served on our Board of Directors, are members of the Hearts & Hands Society, sponsor our events, volunteer to provide dinner once a month and have included Atlanta RMHC in their estate plan.
“It was very easy to include the charity in our will,” says John, a Hearts & Hands Society and Legacy Circle member. “We believe in what the House does and want to ensure support is available for families for generations to come.”
His volunteer visits to the Ronald McDonald House began more than nine years ago after visiting one of the two Atlanta Ronald McDonald Houses with his restaurant supervisors and staff for a meeting. “We saw there was a need and thought providing dinner at least once a month was a small way to give back to these families challenged with such difficult situations.”
A decade later, John and his crew are going strong and their volunteer roster is filled with folks clamoring to help. Everyone joins in serving, from his McDonald’s supervisors and staff to John’s cousin, Shirley, who is famous for her homemade cupcakes and other desserts.
While his restaurants help support Atlanta Ronald McDonald House Charities throughout the year with donations for every order of fries purchased and other in-store fundraisers benefiting the Charity, these monthly visits to the House are something John says he and his crew hold near and dear to their hearts. “We have great attendance from our crew, and they bring their children to get them involved. We all get excited about making good food for people who will enjoy it and look forward to spending time with these families who need a little comfort.”
Some might say it’s not that different than what John and his crew make happen every day at their McDonald’s locations in Snellville, Stone Mountain, Conyers, Riverdale and Jonesboro.
“Helping families in these situations is a no-brainer. It’s an easy way to give back and we know we are making a big impact.”