06 Mar Meet the Lows, Alumni Family and Hearts & Hands Society Members
When I was pregnant, I was told my baby probably wouldn’t make it.
I learned my youngest daughter, Brecklee, had critical pulmonary valve stenosis — a severe narrowing where blood moves from the heart to the lungs. She was born at 36 weeks on June 29, weighing 7 pounds and 4 ounces.
My daughter needed heart surgery at just 2 days old. Thankfully, Atlanta Ronald McDonald House Charities was there, and my husband and I were able to stay near “B” while she recovered.
If it weren’t for the House, this journey would have been so much harder. It was nice to always have a comfortable bed to sleep in, a fully stocked kitchen, and convenient transportation to and from the hospital.
We were able to focus on “B” and make sure she was doing good and not having to worry about traveling back and forth every day. After my husband Sam went back to work, I could hop on the shuttle without worrying about how I would get to the hospital to be with B.
For new families, our advice is to use the resources! When we first heard about the House, we didn’t think we needed it. We were wrong. The staff made it so easy from check-in to check out. Everyone was so friendly and caring.
Out of gratitude for how much Atlanta RMHC helped our family, we decided to join the Hearts & Hands Society and Adopt-A-Room. We hope you will join us today.
With gratitude,

Ashley Low
Alumni Mom