09 Nov Meet the McGraws: ‘The House is an Amazing Blessing’
“The Ronald McDonald House means more than I could ever truly explain. Because of you, I can be with my beautiful daughter, Faith. Together we have found wonderful new friends in the other families and volunteers, a sanctuary from the hospital, and a place where we can focus on healing.”
—Jami McGraw
By Jami McGraw, mother to twins, Faith and Hope
This place means the world to me.
Our journey began last December when Faith collapsed at home from a seizure. I never thought I would have to perform CPR on my own child and sobbed until the ambulance arrived. Because of Faith’s critical condition we rushed straight to Scottish Rite where we spent the next 3 weeks. We learned she had cerebellitis and encephalopathy—the swelling and slowing of her brain.
Once Faith was well enough to start the day rehab program, our stay at the Ronald McDonald House began.
A Blessing
The House is an amazing blessing. There is always a smiling face to make you feel welcomed and taken care of. The rooms are comfortable and a sanctuary from the stress and chaos of the hospital. It is my safe place to let the tears flow so Faith doesn’t see me as weak, a place where I can let out all my frustrations, then pick myself up, take a shower and be back at Faith’s side, helping her battle this war. Atlanta RMHC helps me be strong for her.
The House has strengthened our entire family. Faith’s twin, Hope, loves making encouraging cards and gifts for her sister in the arts and craft room. My sons, Matthew and Benjamin, love playing together in the game room. And volunteers brighten our evenings with nightly activities that take our minds off the hospital.
Family Meals
To share a family meal is amazing. To not have to cook the meal is even better! Dinner is provided at the House every night by volunteers who take the time to prepare dinner and ask how we are doing. Knowing we have this incredible support network means so much to us. But one of the greatest gifts the House has provided has been hearing my family laugh during this difficult time.
The Ronald McDonald House means more than I could ever truly explain. Because of you, I can be with my beautiful daughter, Faith. Together we have found wonderful new friends in the other families and volunteers, a sanctuary from the hospital, and a place where we can focus on healing. So, it is with incredible respect, love and a grateful heart that I say thank you for all you do to make the Atlanta Ronald McDonald House our home away from home.