29 Jul Through the Eyes of an Intern
I spent my first summer as a “working girl” as an intern at Atlanta Ronald McDonald House Charities (ARMHC). This was the best first job experience I could have ever hoped for. However, I first fell in love with the Charity when I was very young. My father has supported the Charity for many years, and I grew to know the mission of ARMHC over time. It makes my heart happy that families and children have a place to come “home” even amidst a world of medical and mental difficulty.
During my 3-week internship, I was given the chance to work in several different areas of the Charity including fundraising, special events, volunteer services, and working with the families. I learned from a staff member in each field about what their job requires.
And let me tell you, this Charity is so much more than what meets the eye.
I thoroughly enjoyed my time spent in each section of the non-profit, and one of my favorite days was spent shadowing and helping the House Manager. The work stood out because I got to see and interact with the families directly. On the House side, I got to see the work done behind the scenes by the staff come to fruition.
As a part of my day in the volunteer services department, I realized that volunteers are vital to the mission and work of this Charity. Families are served dinner each night because of volunteers. Kids can be themselves and have a good time at an activity night after a hard day at the hospital because of the volunteers who come in.
Another interesting experience took place on my final day, when I spent time with the development team. Here, I learned about ‘The Path of Dollar’, what happens to donations once they are received at the Charity. It was amazing to see how much work is put in to ensuring that each dollar is used for the greater good.