Young family

How to Protect the People and Causes Most Important to You

If you don’t protect your loved ones and the causes that matter most to you, who will? The only way to guarantee your wishes are followed is to take the time to formally document them. In addition to family, many people like to include provisions for organizations, like Atlanta Ronald McDonald House Charities, that are special to them.

If you’d like to ensure that families stay close to one another and the life-saving medical care they need, we can help you plan a legacy gift to Atlanta Ronald McDonald House Charities.

Getting started is easy. Simply use our bequest language in your will or name Atlanta RMHC as a beneficiary to one of your accounts. You can specify a percentage or a dollar amount. If you’ve already created a will but would like to update it to provide for medically-fragile children and their families, you may do so with a simple codicil, a supplement which highlights your new wishes.

We are here to help make it easy for you and would love for you to join our Legacy Circle — a special group of friends committed to strengthening children and their families for years to come. If you have included Atlanta RMHC in your plans, please let us know so we can honor your legacy.

Questions? Contact Marissa Greider, senior director of major and planned gifts, at #PlannedGiving #KeepingFamiliesClose

Get ready for a handbag-lover’s dream at Handbag HULLABALOO™ Atlanta—a Galentine’s celebration with designer bags, raffles, cocktails, and fun, all for a great cause!