Ariana Wider (on right)

Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Ariana Wilder, Who Loves Making a Difference

It started when a friend invited Ariana Wilder and her mom, Liz Asadoorian, to help cook dinner for our families before the pandemic began. The meal immediately inspired Ariana to do more.

Ariana Wilder's Face Masks

Ariana Wilder’s Face Masks

“I’m really glad I was able to learn about the Ronald McDonald House through my friends because it started something amazing,” says Arianna, who is 13 years old.

Her mom, who helped prepare the meal, says, “It was something so small to us, but it meant so much for the families, and we were able to see that.”

After her visit to the House, Ariana, who dreams of attending culinary school in Italy and opening an Italian restaurant one day, has collected funds to cater meals and sewn more than 500 masks for our families.

Sewing is a skill Ariana taught herself. She learned to sew by hand before her parents surprised her with a sewing machine. Watching YouTube videos, she mastered different stitches.

“We try to instill the importance of helping others,” says mom Liz. “The families are so grateful for the masks and it puts a smile on their faces.”

Ariana said if any of our families had a special request for fabric for their masks, to let her know.

“Volunteering made me more grateful for my house and what I have,” Ariana says. “It feels good to give back to others, and it warms my heart when I get to serve.”