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URGENT: Help Stock Our Pantry

Urgent Needs


  • Clorox Wipes
  • Feminine products
  • Lysol/ disinfectant spray
  • Paper Bowls
  • Paper Plates


  • Water
  • Chef Boyardee Cups
  • Gift Cards in amounts less than $20 to local restaurants
  • Individual, Non-Refridgerated Complete Microwave Meals
  • Individual Yogurts
  • Juice boxes
  • Keurig Cups
  • Mini Liquid coffee creamers
  • Individual Non-refrigerated Milk Boxes
  • Regular sugar packets
  • Variety of individual chip bags

Help Atlanta RMHC by shopping on Amazon Smile, at and choosing @ARMHC. When you do, Amazon donates 0.5% of eligible purchases to us with no fees or no extra cost for you.

During COVID-19, our volunteer and in-house meal preparation programs have been suspended until further notice to protect the medically fragile children staying with us. Without the regular contributions of volunteers, the demand on our pantries is heavy and we need your help!

The best way to help is to order from our Amazon wish list: On Amazon Smile, select @ARMHC at, or use your grocery’s Instacart service.

“Please help us provide a well-balanced meal to warm the hearts and souls of families when they return from a long day at the hospital, especially during this time of uncertainty,” says Aleea Bishop, our Volunteer Services Manager. “Our volunteers are the heartbeat of our Houses and we could not do it without you.”

“You can also help by dropping off prepared individual boxed dinners from a caterer, grocery store, or a restaurant for our families,” Aleea says. If you are planning to drop off prepared meals, contact her at to be put on our schedule. Any donations and in-kind giving would be greatly appreciated during this time of need.

For everyone’s safety, order via our Amazon wish list: On Amazon Smile, select @ARMHC. or use your grocery’s Instacart service.