Nancy & Jeff Roesch

Share the Love Spotlight: Nancy & Jeff Roesch, Legacy Circle Members

Thank you to our Share the Love Story Series sponsor, NAViGO. We so appreciate your support of our families. 
  1. Share the Love LogoWhy do you love Atlanta RMHC?
    We love the compassionate care provided for families and their children. Atlanta RMHC has an excellent network of services to give families the support needed at such a critical time.
  2. How has Atlanta RMHC made a difference in your life?
    When I was on staff, I witnessed the incredible bravery of so many children. We are so blessed to have good health (even being cancer survivors ourselves).
  3. If you could describe the Charity with one word, what would the word be and why?
    Ministry. Atlanta RMHC is truly a “ministry” providing needed support for heart, body and soul for families at a most critical time of their lives and for many away from their homes.
  4. What do you say when you talk to friends and family about how important Atlanta RMHC is to you and the community at-large?
    Atlanta RMHC is an important part of Atlanta’s excellent medical community and support is always appreciated and handled with integrity. Many don’t realize how much support is necessary from outside contributions relative to that from McDonald’s.
  5. How have planned to include Atlanta RMHC in your future plans and why?
    We have named Atlanta RMHC as a beneficiary in our Family Trust. And, we tell everyone the advantages of supporting the Charity through their IRA’s annual required minimum distribution. It takes the entire community for Atlanta RMHC to deliver its mission.

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