16 Mar Spring 2022 Atlanta RMHC Update
On behalf of all of us Atlanta Ronald McDonald House Charities, thank you for the many ways you continue to help us keep families close.
You make it possible for families to stay near the care their sick children need — giving families with sick children the best medicine of all — each other.
In this video, I’m pleased to share highlights of how we’re serving families and how you can continue to make an impact.
- Sponsor a Meal for Families: As our occupancy increases at both Houses, we have more families to feed each night! You can help by joining our Meals that Heal program to sponsor a meal for our families. Join today!
- Spring Events:
- March 31: Handbag HULLABALOO!: Play fun bingo-like games for a chance to win designer handbags. In-person tickets are sold out. A limited amount of virtual tickets are available through March 18. Register now.
- April 29: Rockin’ the House: Kick off your weekend with our Red Shoe Society Atlanta and enjoy live music from local bands. Learn more.
- May 23: Golf Classic: Round up your foursome and enjoy a day of camaraderie on the beautiful courses at The Golf Club of Georgia. Register today!
Thank you again for your caring support.

Beth Howell
President & CEO