18 May Help Our Families with Wish List Items and Catered Meals
To ensure the safety of our families and staff, all in-house meal and volunteer groups have been cancelled until further notice. To meet the constant needs of our families, we need your help providing catered meals and Wish List items.
Our Houses need individually prepared boxed meals from a commercial kitchen, caterer, grocery store or restaurant. If you’d like to help, please contact our team to secure a date!
- Ansley Wetherington, Volunteer Services and Program Coordinator for our House near Egleston, at ansley.wetherinton@armhc.org
- Aleea Bishop, Volunteer Services and Program Coordinator for our House across Scottish Rite, at aleea.bishop@armhc.org
- Jamesse Webb, Family Room Coordinator for our Family Room program within Scottish Rite, at jamesse.webb@armhc.org
The easiest and best way to fulfill our Wish List is through our Amazon wish list. On Amazon Smile, select @ARMHC, or use your grocery’s Instacart service. Thank you for your support!
Wish List Items
- $10, $15 or $20 gift cards for restaurants or fast food establishments
- Lysol Disinfecting Spray
- Clorox Wipes
- Bleach-Free Multipurpose Cleaner
- Disposable or reusable face masks
- Feminine products
- Fabric softener
- Blankets (Child and Adult Size)
- Measuring cups
- Toiletry Kits
- Macaroni and Cheese Cups
- Individually wrapped muffins and sweets
- Individual frozen pizzas and meals
- Chef Boyardee Microwave Cups
- Regular sugar packets
- Aunt Jemima Pancake on the Go Cups
- Bottled water